Hace unos días leimos un reportaje muy interesante que hablaba de Gala González y de la influencia de su blog AMLUL. Un icono y una de las más veteranas e imitadas egobloggers (propietarios de bitácoras que publican principalmente fotos de sus looks).
Las grandes firmas cuentan con ella para que lleve sus prendas, participe en campañas, asista a desfiles en París, Río de Janeriro, Sidney o Nueva York y pinche música en eventos.
Nos sentimos un poco identificadas con ella, nunca se pondría algo que no le gusta, eso lo terminan notando los followers.
Nos encanta las mezclas que hace de prendas caras con baratas y los nuevos videos de reportajes o entrevistas. Es un referente para las que estamos empezando en esto.
A few days ago we read an interesting article that talked about Gala Gonzalez and the influence of his blog AMLUL. She is an icon and one of the most veteran and imitated egobloggers (owners of blogs that primarily publish photos of their looks).
Big firms count with her to carry her garments, participate in campaigns, attend fashion shows in Paris, Rio de Janeriro, Sydney or New York and to play music in events.
We identified a bit with her, because she never put anything she don`t like.
We love the mix that she do with expensive and cheap clothes and the new videos of reports or interviews. It is a benchmark for which we are beginning in this.
Big firms count with her to carry her garments, participate in campaigns, attend fashion shows in Paris, Rio de Janeriro, Sydney or New York and to play music in events.
We identified a bit with her, because she never put anything she don`t like.
We love the mix that she do with expensive and cheap clothes and the new videos of reports or interviews. It is a benchmark for which we are beginning in this.
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